Routinely asking yourself these 3 questions will lead to substantial professional growth.
Learning is central to leadership development and learning from experience is a powerful way to expedite growth. Using this simple 3-Question reflective practice helps leaders improve their professional performance including presentation skills, executive presence, conflict management, communication, giving feedback, decision making, and much more.
The 3-Question model spurs reflection on actions taken and prompts the intentional setting of action plans. While it is practical and easy to master, the benefits are considerable and well proven. The 3-Questions:
What? So What? Now What?
Imagine a scenario where you encountered a challenging professional situation. Next walk yourself through the following questions and reflect on your feelings and answers to plan for future action.
What? - Ask yourself one of more of the following WHAT questions to reflect on the full context of the situation: What happened? What did you expect? What were you feeling? What were others feeling? What was your reaction?
So What? - Ask yourself one or more of these SO WHAT questions to gather meaning and significance: Why does it matter? What are the consequences? How does this link to your professional and/or personal development?
Now What? Ask yourself one or more of these NOW WHAT questions to plan your future actions: What will you do as a result of this experience? What will you do differently next time? How will you apply what you have learned?
How does this work?
“Leader A” was prepared for the presentation to the executive team but was disappointed in her own delivery. She used the 3-Question model to reflect and successfully improved this leadership skill. She asked herself:
What? The presentation did not get the feedback I hoped for. I felt nervous when they asked questions about the data sources because I didn’t have all of the details.
So What? I didn’t come across as effective and well prepared. At my level the expectation is that I can successfully manage these tough presentations.
Now What? I will drill down on the data sources and fully understand these before next week’s presentation. I will also anticipate specific questions that may arise and prepare for them.
To get started, use a journal to note your responses and action plans, or simply think through these questions. Apply your “Now What’s” and repeat the process. The cycle leads to noticeable growth and development.